JOB OPENING FOR USA – APPLY NOW (Donot Miss this Chance)

America – Your dream country is calling for you ! Would you like to work abroad in USA and settle with your family. This job opening is for every one. Most exciting thing is we donot ever ask for any payments.

Company Name : Gulf Recruiters

Work Location : America

Latest Openings :

Training will be provided by company

All nationality / races are eligible to apply

This is competition based selection !

Basic Requirements :

Education Requirement = Any level ( Preferable : School / High School Level)

Experience = Not required

  1. As per Labour Law, Candidates must be minimum 18 years and less than 48 years.
  2. Candidates must be physically / mentally healthy. There will be a health checkup before immigration.
  3. Should have clear background. (Must not have involved in any criminal activities)
  4. Candidates must be able to read, write & speak Basic English language.

Food : Provided by company

Accommodation : Provided by company

Processing Fee : All expenses are covered by company themselves

Salary : $ 2500 – $ 4500 + Bonus

How to apply for the job?

  1. To apply, each candidates has to read the details first and must full fill all given criteria. The Submit Button / Link is provided below. Click on the link given below and fill up the form.
  2. Documents needed :
    1. Latest CV / Resume
    2. Photograph

Only the selected Candidates will be called for interview.

To apply for Job, click here. Also share this jobs to help your friends.

Any comments / questions regarding this job, please contact through our official Facebook Page : @Gulfjobmag365 or through Twitter page : @gulfjob365. Please only communicate with gulfjob official page. We do not have any agent or staffs.If someone claims to be our staffs immideltly report us.

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Posted in USA