Urgent Demand for JAPAN (Shoe Factory Workers)
- Are you looking for a better job ?
- Do you want to work abroad ?
- Are you interested to work in JAPAN ?
If yes then, our website gulfjobmag.com brings you latest job opening through reputed organisation. This company is looking for large number of candidates to work abroad as a shoe factory workers. Both Male and Female can apply.
THE SHOE COMPANY, a division of Town Shoes Limited is looking for Passionate, Enthusiastic and Shoe Loving individuals to join our Team!
Company Name : The Shoe Company
Location : JAPAN
Vacancies : Shoe Factory Workers (Male & Female) = 30 Numbers
Specific Skills
No skills required. Training will be provided by the company
Job Description :
You’ll usually work to a pattern supplied by the footwear design team. Your day-to-day duties may include:
- cutting (‘clicking’) – trimming and shaping leather or fabric pieces for the ‘upper’ section
- stitching (‘closing’) – sewing together the individual sections to complete the upper
- lasting – moulding the uppers into their final shape on a wooden or metal pattern called a ‘last’
- making – attaching the soles with adhesive or stitching
- finishing – fitting and trimming heels to shape, and staining the soles, heels and edges before waxing and buffing
- ‘shoe room’ – working on the final stage of production, polishing the shoe for the desired colour and effect
Basic Requirements:
- As per Labour Law, Candidates must be minimum 18 years and less than 48 years.
- Candidates must be physically / mentally healthy. There will be a health checkup before immigration
- Should have clear background. (Must not have involved in any criminal activities)
- Candidates must be able to read, write & speak Basic English language.
What company is offering ?
- Basic Salary = $ 1800 Canadian Dollars per month
- Food & Accommodation = Provided by company
- Medical & Ticket = Covered by company
- Visa & Other expenses = Covered by company
How to apply for the job ?
To complete this application you will require the following information:
- Your personal contact details,
- A valid email address
- Related certificated, skills, training, experience etc
- Your Latest CV / Resume/ Biodata
- Please ensure you allow adequate time to provide full and comprehensive details.
Please ensure you allow enough time to provide full details. When you are ready, please click the link below to apply for a current vacancy.
Do share our jobs to help others. To apply, please click this link for job.
Any comments / questions regarding this job, please contact through our official Facebook Page : @Gulfjobmag or through our Twitter Page : @gulfjob365.
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